Berto Jongman: Israel Adds Peru as Proxy for Its Global Surveillance Network

Snapping up Cheap Spy Tools, Nations ‘Monitoring Everyone’ Peru — a top cocaine-producing nation — joined the ranks of world governments that have added commercial spyware to their arsenals. The purchase from Israeli-American company Verint Systems, chronicled in documents obtained by The Associated Press, offers a rare, behind-the-scenes look into how easy it is for …

Yoda: CIA Director “Discovers” Open Source…

Exquisite, this is. CIA Director: Open Source a ‘Tremendous Advantage’ Housing the Open Source Enterprise within the CIA’s new Directorate of Digital Innovation allows a combination of the right personnel and tools to get a more accurate analysis of world events, Brennan said.

Mongoose: Is Donald Trump a Naked Lying Fraud? The Ghost Author of “The Art of the Deal” Tells All

Kudos to Jane Mayer of the New Yorker for teasing out this provocative story. Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All “The Art of the Deal” made America see Trump as a charmer with an unfailing knack for business. Tony Schwartz helped create that myth—and regrets it. “I put lipstick on a pig,” [Tony Schwartz] said. “I …

Stephen E. Arnold: Pirate Libraries Challenge Elsevier and Thomson Reuters to Liberate Knowledge for Destitute Scholars

Avast: Pirate Libraries They are called “pirate libraries,” but one would be better-served envisioning Robin Hood than Blackbeard.  Atlas Obscura takes a look at these floaters of scientific-journal copyrights in, “The Rise of Pirate Libraries.” These are not physical libraries, but virtual ones, where researchers and other curious folks can study articles otherwise accessible only …

Stephen E. Arnold: Palantir Thiel & Trump – Displacing Old Tech & Old Complex?

Palantir Thiel: An If Then Chess Move? I read “The Peter Principle: Why Thiel’s GOP Convention Speech Will Be about Him and Not about Silicon Valley.” Interesting write up but I think the “about” part is possibly incorrect. I think the speech just might have been about Palantir, procurement, and displacing the traditional US government …

Mongoose: Northrup Grumman Screws Up a $13 Billion Dollar New Carrier — Indictable Crimes?

Being stupid on government time used to be a court-martial offense, at least in the “old (Marine) Corps.” Northrup Grumman will probably not be indicted — and they probably should be… US Navy’s newest $12.9bn supercarrier doesn’t work: Most expensive warship ever built ‘struggles with jets taking off and landing’ according to internal memo as …