Berto Jongman: A Violent Non-State Actors Reading List

A Violent Non-State Actors Reading List SEPTEMBER 6, 2013 BY DAVEED GARTENSTEIN-ROSS 1 COMMENT In the introduction to her edited volume Violent Non-State Actors in World Politics, Klejda Mulaj notes that, while political science scholarship has extensively examined non-state actors (most notably those whose activities are primarily economic), violent non-state actors (VNSAs) “have only recently received sustained interest amongst academic and policy circles.” …

Chuck Spinney: When a KGB President Lectures the USA — And Holds the Moral High Ground…Say What?

Who Benefits From America’s State of Perpetual War? Putin Lectures Obama by FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY, COUNTERPUNCH, SEPTEMBER 12, 2013 That our Noble Peace Prize winning President and the Congress needed a rational lecture [also attached below] on the need for a little common sense in foreign policy, from a graduate of the KGB, says a …

NIGHTWATCH: Astounding Syrian Concessions Protect Israel — US Analysts Dull [Ignorant] — World Edges Away from Brink of WWIII — NIGHTWATCH Tutorial for Dull Analysts

Syria: Update. Opposition sources say government forces attacked the hills around Ma’aloula village early on Monday under the cover of heavy shelling. The Christian village is reported to be almost empty after most of its residents fled following the arrival of the foreign-backed militants last week. According to a resident, who left the area in …

Owl: Why Has Qatar Spent $3B on Syrian Rebels? And Saudi Arabia? And Why Does Russia Want Syria to Stick “As Is”? Natural Gas!

“Why has the little nation of Qatar spent 3 billion dollars to support the rebels in Syria? Could it be because Qatar is the largest exporter of liquid natural gas in the world and Assad won’t let them build a natural gas pipeline through Syria? Of course. Qatar wants to install a puppet regime in …

Berto Jongman: Cyber Security Solutions for the DoD and Intelligence Community

Cyber Security Solutions for the DoD and Intelligence Community Guest Authors / Jon M. Stout of Security, 3 September 2013 At first glance, it appears that the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Intelligence Community (IC) have the same cyber security needs as other large organizations in the commercial world. While this is true …

Information Operations Newsletter V 13 N 09

PDF  (45 Pages):  ARSTRAT_IO_Newsletter_v13_no_09 1. British Cops Admit They Monitor Facebook, Twitter 2. Hacking for Change – Could Revealing Cyber Capabilities Prevent Cyber War? 3. Anonymous vs. Los Zetas: The Revenge of the Hacktivists 4. Taiwan a ‘Testing Ground’ for Chinese Cyber Army 5. U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans 6. House …