Review: God’s Terrorists – The Wahhabi Cult and the Hidden Roots of Modern Jihad

Charles Allen Important History Not Understood By Most, November 22, 2013 The historical half is mind-glazing, the more recent chapters highly relevant to understanding the deep ignorance of the US Intelligence Community and the US policy (prostitution) community these past 12 years. I have given the book four stars in part because it is not …

Winslow Wheeler: Stop the Assassination of the A-10

Usually ignored by the press as insufficiently interesting to technology dazzled editors and reviled by the civilian and military leadership of the Air Force as not what they think they should spend money and careers on, the A-10 “Warthog” has broken through into Washington DC’s consciousness.  Interestingly, the attention was provoked by a heavy handed …

NIGHTWATCH: Syrian Kurds Holding North – Kurdistan Emergent + Kurd RECAP & Syria RECAP

Syria-Kurds: Islamist groups in northern Syria are weakening after months of fighting and Kurdish militias are gaining ground, a top Syrian Kurdish leader said on Wednesday. Saleh Muslim, head of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), said in an interview that Tuesday’s announcement of an interim Syrian Kurdish autonomous administration in northeastern Syria is only …

Neal Rauhauser: Greater Irans Greatest Problem — US Fumbling with Geo-Political Terrain It Does Not Understand…

Greater Iran’s Greatest Problem The current political boundaries of the Islamic Republic are a fraction of what the Persian empire was at it’s peak. This map of Scythia & Parthia shows what have been fairly stable boundaries for Iranian culture – from the Tigris river in the west to the Indus in the east. Geographically this …

Mini-Me: NYT Discussion of Cutting Military Flag Officers + Meta-RECAP on Flag Waste and Corruption

Huh? Weighing the Brass New York Times, 5 November 2013 One of the hardest-hit areas being discussed in federal budget talks is the Pentagon, which would take an automatic $20 billion cut in January under sequestration. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel proposed a 20 percent cut in his own office’s budget, but command headquarters around …

4th Media: Global Power Project (Part I, II, & III)

Part I: Global Power Project: Exposing the Institute of International Finance This is the first of a series of exposés focusing on the Institute of International Finance (IIF), the very “visible hand” of financial markets. It is a continuation of the Global Power Project produced by Part 1 examines the origins of the IIF. Founded …