NIGHTWATCH: Afghanistan Truth Check – Still Hosed

Afghanistan: Special comment: This week Coalition forces commander General Allen said that only ten of Afghanistan’s now 405 districts, in 34 provinces, are responsible for half of the violence in Afghanistan. They are Sangin, Nowzad, Musa Qala, Kajaki, Nad e Ali, Nahr e Sarraj in Sangin Province plus Pol-e-Alam in Lowgar Province and Maiwand, Panjwai …

Mini-Me: JFK Assassination Cover-Up Unravels Further + RECAP

Huh? Photographic Evidence of Bullet Hole in JFK Limousine Windshield ‘Hiding in Plain Sight’ by Douglas P. Horne, June 4, 2012 In 2009, I believed I had discovered new evidence in the JFK assassination never reported by anyone else: convincing photography of the through-and-through bullet hole in the windshield of the JFK limousine that …

Marcus Aurelius: Chicago Police Entrap Three, City PSYOP with Obama Campaign Sidenotes

3 hit with terror conspiracy charges for alleged plot to attack Obama’s campaign HQ, mayor’s house ahead of NATO summit Associated Press, May 19, 2012 CHICAGO – Three men accused of making Molotov cocktails had been planning to attack President Barack Obama’s campaign headquarters, Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s home and other targets during this weekend’s NATO …

Winslow Wheeler: The F-22, Toxic Stealth, Secrets Screw Sick…

Dina Rasor and Pierre Sprey have collaborated on an important and informative piece on the F-22.  It expands the publically available thinking about the nature of the toxicity problem facing F-22 pilots, and–just as importantly–it probes the nature of one of the prime suspects for the problem: the F-22’s “stealth” coating.  Note at the end of …

Winslow Wheeler: The Jet That Ate the Pentagon (and the Integrity of Everyone Serving in The Pentagon, in OMB and GAO, in Congress, and in the White House)

This new commentary on the F-35 appears at the website for Foreign Policy at .  It is a short piece that does not need to be summarized by me.  The editors at Foreign Policy gave it a wonderfully insightful title: The Jet That Ate the Pentagon BY WINSLOW WHEELER | APRIL 26, 2012 The United States is …