Review: Global Trends 2030 – Alternative Worlds [Paperback, Well Priced]

National Intelligence Council, Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI/NIC) 3.0 out of 5 stars $75 Billion a Year and This is the Poster Child for the Public, March 26, 2013 Certainly worth reading, along with other and generally better reports linked below, but a huge disappointment. There is nothing here actually useful to …

SchwartzReport: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, & The Really Ugly

GOOD:  Solar Power to Hit Cost Parity Next Year RP SIEGEL – Triple Pundit BAD:  Amanpour on Iraq: Where Were the Journalists? DAVID FERGUSON – The Raw Story UGLY:  The Last Letter: A Message to George Bush and Dick Cheney From a Dying Veteran TOMAS YOUNG – Truthdig REALLY UGLY:  America’s Dirtiest Coal Company[Deliberate Bankrupcy …

Reference: US IC Global Water Security Study

2012 Global Water Security, US IC 2 February Assumptions: We assume that water management technologies will mature along present rates andthat no far-reaching improvements will develop and be deployed over the next 30 years. In addition, for several states, we assume that present water policies—pricing and investments in infrastructure—are unlikely to change significantly. Cultural norms …

Dolphin: Chinese Congress Puts Environment on the Table — Major Revolt within Congress, More Reforms Anticipated

China People’s Congress environment surprise TIM PALMER: In China the fallout is still being felt from an open rebellion over air pollution at the country’s annual session of parliament. It was a dramatic shift for a Congress that’s normally seen as no more than a rubber stamp. Sensing a growing environmental crisis, a third of …

2013 Sanando a las Américas con una Agencia de Fuente Abierta

Documento (ocho paginas):  Sanando a las Américas con una Agencia de fuentes abiertas de información 2.0 En Ingles:  2013 Healing the Americas with an Open Source Agency AAIntelligencia Marzo 2013:  AAIMARZO2013 Sanando a las Américas con una Agencia de Fuente Abierta ¿Puede Chile llevar a las Américas hacia un sistema total de Todo Abierto (Open …