Law Enforcement Archive on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

2004 US Law Enforcement Steele Keynote Presentation to Texas Law Enforcement Conference 2004 US Law Enforcement Steele DHS: The Future of Intelligence (not secret, not federal, not expensive) 2003 UK Law Enforcement Edwards OSINT at Scotland Yard (Slides) 2003 UK Law Enforcement Edwards OSINT at Scotland Yard (Text) 2000 UK Law Enforcement Crow International Open …

Reference: Online Language Overview

Author’s Note: This is an on line version of a paper that Mike Bergman recently released under the auspices of BrightPlanet Corp The citation for this effort is: M.K. Bergman, “Tutorial:  Internet Languages, Character Sets and Encodings,” BrightPlanet Corporation Technical Documentation, March 2006, 13 pp. Yoshiki Mikami, who runs the UN’s Language Observatory, has an …