Event: 21 May 2014 1500-2100 NYC Liberation Technology Internet Society Reclaim.CC

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” ― UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights Open Data, Global Game, Electronic Magna Carta, .nyc, Privacy, Open Hardware, Inclusive Access, …

Berto Jongman: Rise in Global Political Violence Challenges Supply Chains — True Cost of Predatory Capitalism Becomes Visible

Example of true cost: corruption plus public abuse = political violence = cost to predatory capitalism. Rise in global political violence challenges supply chains Supply Management, 7 May 2014 | Will Green Levels of conflict and political violence have increased in 48 countries over the past six months and created “significant challenges to supply chains”, …

Tom Atlee: Climate Change as an Opportunity – Reconnecting to Place, Reality, & Reason

Climate challenges us to reconnect to place, reality and reason We are out of sync with the world and especially with “place”. We lack the insights and capacities that come from knowing a place deeply over generations and from conscious vulnerability to the real world. Our speedy technological consumer culture not only created climate change …

Robert Steele: PhD Proposal

As part of this endeavor, a new annual conference is planned that will focus on M4IS2/OSE, and in passing, redefine both political science and the craft of intelligence as we go forward together. DOC (5 Pages):  2014-04-23 (3.8) PhD Research Proposal Robert David Steele Professional Site 2014 Research Proposal – Political Science Multi-Disciplinary Evidence-Based Sustainable …

Jean Lievens: A Most Revolutionary World — With No Revolution — Extraordinary Photo Essay

Around the World in 843 Protests: Living the Most Revolutionary Times in History Bernardo Gutierrez Occupy.com, 19 April 23014 We sail in an unstable political ocean, surfing bursts of protests and unexpected revolts emerging across the globe: 843 large protests in the last eight years. If Karl Marx raised his head, he would be absolutely …