Reference: Spy Credibility & Open Source

How to Restore Spies Credbility: Go Open Source By Noah Shachtman December 14, 2007 In the mid ’90s, Robert Steele, a former-CIA officer and early proponent of open source intelligence, testified before the Aspin-Brown Commission about the tremendous value of unclassified information. The Commission decided to put this open source intelligence, or “OSINT,” to the …

Who’s Who in Peace Intelligence: David J. H. Bell

David J.H. Bell served as a research assistant to Walter Dorn at the University of Toronto in 1994-95. He graduated from Trinity College (University of Toronto) in 1995 with an honours bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Ethics. Subsequently, he has held various positions in the public service of Canada. Intelligence and Peacekeeping: The UN …

Who’s Who in Peace Intelligence: Matthew M. Aid

Matthew M. Aid is a native of New York City. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Beloit College in Beloit, Wisconsin.  He has served as a senior manager with several large international financial research and investigative companies for more than 15 years. He is currently a Managing Director in the Washington, D.C. …

Who’s Who in Peace Intelligence: Richard Connaughton

Richard Connaughton is a former officer of the British Army. His last appointment was head of Defence Studies with the rank of colonel, from which he took early retirement. He set up his own consultancy, National & International Consultancy, working for clients in the politico-military field world-wide. He has a post-graduate degree in International Relations …

Review: Radical Man–The Process of Psycho-Social Development

Seminal Work, Get It Used, Should Be Reprinted November 23, 2007 Charles Hampden-Turner This book changed my life in the sense that it served as a foundation for my first Master’s thesis on Predicting Revolution, work that has not yet been surpassed. I myself developed one side of the matrix, finding through the secondary literature …

Who’s Who in Peace Intelligence: Par Eriksson

Par Eriksson is an analyst with the National Defense Research Establishment (FOA) in Stockholm, For the past three years he has been involved with projects concerning Sweden ’s participation in international peace operations supporting the Swedish Armed Forces HQ, as well as the Swedish government. The views expressed in this article are the author ’s …

Review: The Foundation–A Great American Secret; How Private Wealth is Changing the World

ESSENTIAL Primer, the Good, the Bad, and the Recommended October 18, 2007 JOEL FLEISHMAN This is a very helpful book, indeed, a unique book. Here are some of the notes I took. As one of 24 co-founders of a new 501c3, the Earth Intelligence Network, created to provide decision support to foundations, the United Nations, …