Journal: The Intelligence War Not Fought

Settling An Intelligence Turf War By Walter Pincus    Washington Post November 17, 2009 Pg. 29 Early last week, several long-festering bureaucratic issues that had arisen between Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair and CIA Director Leon Panetta had to be settled by national security adviser James L. Jones, through some Solomon-like decisions.

Journal: “Expert Judgement” vs. Public Intelligence

When one is brought up, professionally trained, in “systems thinking” and the importance of feedback loops, diversity, and integrity, everything else becomes pedestrian.  Today we highlight two books re-inventing the wheel so as to feature an extraordinarily useful but slighting incomplete oration on “expert judgement by our much-admired colleague at NIGHTWATCH, concluding with a list …

2009 Re-Inventing Intelligence to Re-Engineer Earth

Earth is at a tipping point. Changes to the planet that used to take 10,000 years now take three.  This means that both real-time science and real-time policy and decision-making will be the non-negotiable essence of success in the 21st Century. Near-Earth Objects (NEO) are a more immediate threat than climate change; energy from geothermal, …