Babette Bensoussan: The Pretenders of Strategic Planning

Mutters – The Pretenders of Strategic Planning Have you heard…. “Strategy is a waste of time.” “The agenda is just like last year where we achieved nothing.” “We got no real direction, and nothing we agreed was ever implemented afterwards”. Sound familiar?  The typical company strategy planning process involves a few days at a remote …

NIGHTWATCH (2): Russia Draws the Line at Syria

IN REVERSE ORDER (TODAY FIRST, YESTERDAY SECOND) Russia: President Putin today accused the West of worsening the situation in Syria by “blowing up an internal conflict” there. His remarks were broadcast by state news television channel Rossiya 24. At an international meeting Putin interrupted former French Prime Minister Francois Fillon who said mass murder in …

Chuck Spinney: When a KGB President Lectures the USA — And Holds the Moral High Ground…Say What?

Who Benefits From America’s State of Perpetual War? Putin Lectures Obama by FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY, COUNTERPUNCH, SEPTEMBER 12, 2013 That our Noble Peace Prize winning President and the Congress needed a rational lecture [also attached below] on the need for a little common sense in foreign policy, from a graduate of the KGB, says a …

NIGHTWATCH 4 SEP 13: Syria Unwrapped — US Lacks Credibility Across the Board, Russia Making Sense

Russia-Syria: The Russian military news agency, Interfax-AVN, reported two more Russian ships are heading to the Mediterranean Sea. The destroyer Nastoychivyy of the Baltic Fleet and the patrol combatant Smetlivy of the Black Sea Fleet will join the Russian Navy’s task force in Mediterranean in the next few days, Interfax-AVN was told at the Main …


INTELLIGENCE AGENCY BUDGETS REVEALED IN WASHINGTON POST Secret intelligence agency budget information was abundantly detailed in the Washington Post yesterday based on Top Secret budget documents released by Edward Snowden.  See “U.S. spy network’s successes, failures and objectives detailed in ‘black budget’ summary” by Barton Gellman and Greg Miller, Washington Post, August 29. The newly …