John Robb: Automation of Censorship and Extra-Judicial Assassination

The Automation of Government Coercion Posted: 25 May 2012 09:10 AM PDT I recently did a series of interviews for an international venture investing newsletter called Capitalist Exploits.  Here’s a question I got that I thought we be of interest to GG readers.  I’ve extended the answer a bit from the original in the interview. …

2012 Reality Sandwich: How I Tested the Boundaries of the Two-Party Tyranny

How I Tested the Boundaries of the Two-Party Tyranny Robert David Steele Vivas Reality Sandwich, 24 May 2012 For six weeks in early 2012 I ran for the office of President of the United States of America.  I was accepted by the Reform Party (one of six accredited national parties completely shut out of the …

Berto Jongman: Interesting National Security Links

C.I.A.’s Misuse of Secrecy C-SPAN Bill Roggio Editor Long War Journal Use of Military Drones with Statistics (VIDEO) EU Annual Report on Terrorism Gwen Olsen – the Rx Reformer Memories of Bin Laden are fading, but his methods and ideology remain Senate follows House with more questions about construction of Savannah River Site’s MOX plant Terrorism …

Patrick Meier: Civil Resistance 2.0 – A New Database on Non-Violent Guerrilla Warfare

Civil Resistance 2.0: A New Database on Non-Violent Guerrilla Warfare Gene Sharp pioneered the study of nonviolent civil resistance. Some argue that his books were instrumental to the success of activists in a number of revolutions over the past 20 years ranging from the overthrow of Milosevic to ousting of Mubarak. Civil resistance has often been referred …