2002 Information wants to be free (UN ITU)

ABOUT Communication is fundamental to the valorisation of information, and together information and communication play multiple roles in social development. For example, layers of information have accumulated over generations to provide us with the stock of knowledge we take for granted in science, culture and everyday life. This knowledge is communicated from person to person …

Review: Grant’s Secret Service The Intelligence War from Belmont to Appomattox

William B. Feis 4.0 out of 5 stars Well-Intentioned, Terrible Maps and No Timelines, May 28, 2002 I do not regret taking the time to read this book, and it is a well-intentioned worthy effort–however, given a new choice, I would probably go with the alternative, by an intelligence professional, “The Secret War for the …

2001 Heibel (US) Intelligence Training and the Difference Between Information and Intelligence

PLATINUM Professor Robert Heibel Professor Robert Heibel, a veteran of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is unique for having established both an undergraduate and a graduate program in intelligence and research analysis.  His pioneering efforts have provided varied intelligence communities with very high-quality individuals, properly trained, at a time when their respective countries need them …

2001 Jongman (NL) World Conflict & Human Rights Map

Researcher A.J. Jongman, Interdisciplinary Research Programme (PIOOM), Leiden University, The Netherlands OSS ’01: For a brilliant combination of research, insight, and data visualization, in partnership with those associated with the Interdisciplinary Research Programme (PIOOM), resulting in the creation of the World Conflict & Human Rights Map 2000 that portrays so effectively the global conditions of …