Gary North: Administrative Law (New World Order) versus Democracy (Live Free or Die)

The Crucial Pillar of the New World Order by Gary North, February 4, 2012 One of the most alluring temptations that face men is the desire to enter the inner ring. C. S. Lewis wrote a wonderful essay with this title. It should be part of every person’s rite of passage into adulthood. The desire to …

Worth a Look: David Winberger on Too Big to Know and Howard Rheingold on Net Smart

Too Big to Know: Rethinking Knowledge Now That the Facts Aren’t the Facts, Experts Are Everywhere, and the Smartest Person in the Room Is the Room David Weinberger Released 3 January 2012 Clay Shirky, author of Here Comes Everybody and Cognitive Surplus “Too Big To Know is Weinberger’s brilliant synthesis of myriad little debates—information overload, …

Chuck Spinney: F-35 Out of Everything Except Money

F-35: Out of Altitude, Airspeed, and Ideas — But Never Money Chuck Spinney TIME, 30 January 2012 No program better illustrates the pathologies of the weapons acquisition process as it is currently practiced by the Military – Industrial – Congressional Complex (MICC) than the entirely predictable, and in this case, predicted, problems dragging the F-35 …

Robert Steele: Slate and New America Foundation a Propaganda Front – Taking Money Under the Table?

Warning: This Site Contains Conspiracy Theories Does Google have a responsibility to help stop the spread of 9/11 denialism, anti-vaccine activism, and other fringe beliefs?  By Evgeny  Morozov|Posted Monday, Jan. 23, 2012, at 7:43 AM ET In its early days, the Web was often imagined as a global clearinghouse—a new type of library, with the …

John Steiner: Matt Taibbi with Xmas Message from the Rich

A Christmas Message From America’s Rich Matt Taibbi Rolling Stone, 22 December 2011 It seems America’s bankers are tired of all the abuse. They’ve decided to speak out. True, they’re doing it from behind the ropeline, in front of friendly crowds at industry conferences and country clubs, meaning they don’t have to look the rest …