Journal: Why they hate us (II): How many Muslims has the U.S. killed in the past 30 years?

Tom Friedman had an especially fatuous column in Sunday’s New York Times, which is saying something given his well-established capacity for smug self-assurance. According to Friedman, the big challenge we face in the Arab and Islamic world is “the Narrative” — his patronizing term for Muslim views about America’s supposedly negative role in the region. …

Worth a Look: Berto Jongman Recommends….

Researcher Berto Jongman recommends 6 monographs, 5 articles, 3 books. EDIT of 24 Nov 09: 6 monograph recommendations added. Russia: A Promising Market for Islamic Finance 21/11/2009By Lahem al Nasser Riyadh, Asharq Al-Awsat- There are around 47 million Muslims in Russia, which means that Muslims make up around one third of Russia’s overall population. This …

Journal: Afghanistan War surtax–‘Pay as you fight’

David Rogers – Mon Nov 23, 2009 Call it “pay as you fight.” After months of listening to conservatives caterwaul over deficits and health care, senior House Democrats want a graduated surtax on individuals and corporations to pay for another big drain on the treasury: the Afghanistan war. Three full committee chairmen — including the House’s top …

Journal: US Lacks Basic Intelligence at the Top

New Study Reveals Connection Between Enforcing Immigration Laws and National Security Friday, October 30, 2009 By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer A new study by the conservative think tank Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) reveals the connection between enforcing immigration laws and national security – sometimes in chilling detail. Phi Beta Iota: It’s all connected. …


Recent (New) Reviews 201910930 NEW: Steele on Books & America: Love it or Lose it! FINAL & Published Robert Steele: Book Reviews (Trump Era) Robert Steele: Book Reviews US Populist Non-Violent Revolution (Spawned Trump, Will Create Post-Trump People Not Parties 2nd American Revolution?) Older Meta Briefings: 2014 Robert Steele Answers to Richard Olivier on 21st …


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