Patrick Meier: Truth in the Age of Social Media: A Social Computing and Big Data Challenge

Truth in the Age of Social Media: A Social Computing and Big Data Challenge I have been writing and blogging about “information forensics” for a while now and thus relished Nieman Report’s must-read study on “Truth in the Age of Social Media.” My applied research has specifically been on the use of social media to support …

Winslow Wheeler: Hill Hearing on Defense Backs Into the Truth

Foreign Policy is running my description of the hearing that Buck McKeon put on yesterday with Lockheed-Martin and a cast of lesser, not entirely cooperative, other characters.  Find my analysis at, and below: Hard of Hearing Why the House’s attempt to save defense spending might flop. BY WINSLOW T. WHEELER | JULY 19, 2012 It …

Winslow Wheeler: CBO Truth, DoD Lies, Political Theater

An important and informative Tony Capaccio article (from Bloomberg; shown below) came out today.  It summarizes (accurately) CBO’s analysis of the budget effects of sequester: if sequester were to occur, the Pentagon’s “base” (non-war) budget would be $469 billion for 2013.  This is slightly above what was spent in 2006, and it is “larger than the …

YouTube (4:10) The Open Source Everythinig Manifesto: Transparency, Truth & Trust

Introduces the book just released 5 June by North Atlantic Books / Evolver Editions, and being distributed globally by Random House.  Available through all the online bookstores, the book page offers free extracts, an 11 minute interview with Warren Pollock, the original keytone at Gnomedex in Seattle in 2007, and links to all the …

John Steiner: Genetic Foods – Transparency, Truth, & Trust versus Tyranny, Toxicity, & Theft

Genetic Engineers Explain Why GE Food Is Dangerous Nation of Change, Sunday 24 June 2012 One of the report¹s authors, Dr. Michael Antoniou of King¹s College London School of Medicine in the UK, uses genetic engineering for medical applications but warns against its use in developing crops for human food and animal feed. Aren¹t critics …

David Swanson: NATO, Sardinia, Contamination, & The Truth

ADVANCE EXTRACT Demands of the people ·       Transparency and truth – reveal what chemicals and metals have been used. ·       Close all of the bases and radar facilities – completely de-militarize the island. ·       Clean and decontaminate the bases and land, aquifers and sea around them. ·       Provide health care to all people affected by …