Berto Jongman: RoboEarth, RoboBrain — ZERO True Cost Economics Included

Robotic brain ‘learns’ skills from the internet A super-intelligent robotic “brain” that can learn new skills by browsing millions of web pages has been developed by US researchers. Robo Brain is designed to acquire a vast range of skills and knowledge from publicly available information sources such as YouTube. The information it learns can then …

2014 INTERVIEW: Thoughts on Open Source Intelligence

Out of Band: Robert David Steele on OSINT Hal Berghel, University of Nevada, Las Vegas sent questions, here are my answers. Hal Burghel: Tell us about open source generally and open source intelligence specifically. Robert David Steele: It’s vital to remember that the whole point of connectivity is to move and make sense of content, …

Jean Lievens: Sarwant Singh on Smart Cities – A $1.5 Trillion Market Opportunity — With Comment by Robert Steele on the Real $4 Trillion Opportunity Being Ignored

Smart Cities — A $1.5 Trillion Market Opportunity Sarwant Singh Forbes, 19 June 2014 Mahatma Gandhi once said, “India is to be found not in its few cities, but in its 700,000 villages.” Though that may at one time have been true, it is no longer the case. With about 30 country dwellers moving lock, stock …