Jon Rappoport: Understanding Zika & Inner Cities

‘Safe’ Zika pesticide nukes millions of bees Millions of bees have just died in South Carolina, because Dorchester County officials decided to attack Zika mosquitoes from the air, from planes, with a pesticide called Naled. The Washington Post reports, in an article headlined: “‘Like it’s been nuked’: Millions of bees dead after South Carolina sprays …

Eagle: Charles Hugh Smith on What Killed the Middle Class (Government Legalization of Banking and Corporate Crime)

What Killed the Middle Class? If the four structural trends highlighted below don’t reverse, the middle class is heading for extinction. Everyone knows the middle class is fading fast. I’ve covered this issue in depth for years, for example: Honey, I Shrunk the Middle Class: Perhaps 1/3 of Households Qualify (December 28, 2015) and What …

Daniel Araya: Interview with Robert Steele on the Open Source Revolution

Interview: Former CIA Officer Robert Steele Discusses Why We Need an Open Source Revolution 全文下面的折疊對於那些使用谷歌翻譯。 Полный текст ниже раза для тех, кто использует Google Translate.  النص الكامل بالأسفل أضعاف عن تلك التي تستخدم مترجم جوجل. Textul complet partea inferioară a paginii pentru cei care folosesc Google Translate.

SchwartzReport: EPA Blocks New Bee-Killing Pesticides But Protects Existing Pesticides

This is the current state of neonicotinoid regulation in the U.S., and it is rather pathetic. Like DDT even skeptics now have to deal with the research on  neonicotinoids, because the evidence for the harm they do  is overwhelming. But it is easy to see the hand of special interests in this moratorium. Products already …

Berto Jongman: Insecticides put world food supplies at risk, say scientists

Insecticides put world food supplies at risk, say scientists Regulations on pesticides have failed to prevent poisoning of almost all habitats, international team of scientists concludes The world’s most widely used insecticides have contaminated the environment across the planet so pervasively that global food production is at risk, according to a comprehensive scientific assessment of …