State of the Nation: Act of War Against Texas? Many Believe So — Weather Warfare, Geoengineering, UK Israel Deep State False Flag Geoterrorism? UPDATE 4

TEXAGEDDON: A False Flag Geoterrorist Operation With Multiple Nefarious NWO Goals OPERATION DEEP FREEZE Purposefully Carried Out by NWO Cabal to Paralyze Texas Patriot Movement and Shut Down Power Grid RELATED (NEWEST ON TOP): Video (11:48) Crimes Against Humanity – Texas: Chemically Nucleated Winter Weather Mongoose: Chinese Control of US Power Grid, Trump Ended, Biden …

Robert Steele: More Evidence Fairfax County Board of Supervisors is Not Working for the Public with Integrity

I live in Fairfax County and am fed up with the carpetbaggers and snowflakes. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors has made three decisions against the public interest in the past year: to desecrate Confederate memorials; to forbid open carry in nature reserves where bears threatening families have been photographed in the past year; and …