Owl: Chem-Trails Chickens Coming Home to Roost: Direct Proof of Covert Weather Engineering?

Chem-Trails Chickens Coming Home to Roost: Direct Proof of Covert Weather Engineering? In various areas of the US, recent snow that has come down is not snow. This material does not melt. The videos below, which clearly show this, demonstrate what’s coming down from the sky, though it looks like snow, is not snow, yet …

Jean Lievens: 7 Ways Big Data Could Revolutionize Our Lives by 2020 — Comment by Robert Steele

7 Ways Big Data Could Revolutionize Our Lives by 2020 TEXT SUMMARY: 1. Websites and Apps will be safer. 2. Everyone could have access to higher education. 3. Landing a job will become easier. 4. Roads will be safer. 5. We’ll predict the future for smarter business. 6. We’ll predict the weather and protect the …

SmartPlanet: Staggering Costs of Fukushima Clean Up (Never Mind Toxicity Blowing East) + Fukushima RECAP

The staggering costs to clean up Fukushima More than two years since the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl, the Fukushima power plant meltdown is still a major, global environmental problem. And the staggering price tag for cleaning it up continues to rise. The Japanese government just announced that it’s borrowing about $30 billion more to …

Paul Craig Roberts: Ignored Reality Is Going To Wipe Out The Human Race

Ignored Reality Is Going To Wipe Out The Human Race To inform people is hard slugging. Everything is lined up against the public being informed, or the policymakers for that matter. News is contaminated by its service to special interests and hidden agendas. Many scientists or their employers are dependent on federal money. Even psychologists …

Sterling Seagrave: Benjamin Fulford Comments on Trillions of dollars’ worth of bonds now in the possession of the White Dragon Society

Thanks Jill for passing this over…..I will comment throughout.  This is exactly where I got my feet wet and where the real power of the world resides and that is with the true owners of these instruments.  All governments are loaned these and of course there is a history on that alone. benjamin July 2, …

Marcus Aurelius: Hagel Choosing Bad Platforms Over Good People

Looks as if SECDEF has identified the alternatives — humans or hardware– and has picked hardware. Hagel: Pentagon Must Choose Between People or Platforms WASHINGTON — The Pentagon might have to cancel many modernization programs over a decade-long period should mandatory federal spending caps remain in place over the next decade, US Defense Secretary Chuck …