Claire Edwards: Western Insanity and 5G Electromagnetic Radiation For Sale to Lowest 5G Bidder: Planet Earth (Populations & Wildlife Optional)

Western Insanity and 5G Electromagnetic Radiation For Sale to Lowest 5G Bidder: Planet Earth (Populations & Wildlife Optional) Modern science blindly continues to prop up an increasingly indefensible Newtonian model of a material universe and demeans the efforts of open-minded scientists who are providing ever more data to support Nikola Tesla’s assertion that the universe …

Mongoose: FBI Abuse of NSA Databases Against Trump & 702 US Citizens

FISA Judges Collyer and Boasberg Both Identified NSA Databases Used for Political Surveillance… By maintaining the counterintelligence process for Mueller, the FBI was able to continue exploiting the NSA database as a FISA(702) tool for their investigation.  The foreign actors played a key role in this process.  So long as the Mueller investigation was targeting …