NIGHTWATCH: India-Pakistan Kashmir, Iraq & Shi’ite Casualties

India-Pakistan-Kashmir: Pakistani press reported no Indian artillery fire across the Line of Control in Kashmir on Monday and Tuesday this week for the first time in weeks. It also reported that cross-border truck traffic has been normal through at least one crossing point on the Line of Control. Comment: Since the killing of five Indian …

NIGHTWATCH: Pakistan Speaks for Taliban, Leaves Karzai to Hang

Pakistan-Afghanistan: The Chinese news service Xinhua published a report on the outcome of talks between Afghan President Karzai and Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. Excerpts follow. “Pakistan said Tuesday that Afghan Taliban insurgents are unwilling to talk to Karzai government and its peace negotiators at least for now.“ “The statement came hours after Afghan President …

Bruce Reidel: Pakistan Beats USA 12 Years In a Row

Pakistan, Taliban and the Afghan Quagmire By: Bruce Riedel With American and NATO combat troops scheduled to depart Afghanistan next year, the relationship between the Afghan Taliban and Pakistan has become more important than ever. It is a complex and complicated nexus. Without doubt, Pakistan and its intelligence service, the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate of the …

NIGHTWATCH: Pakistan Continues to Scew Afghanistan

Afghanistan-Pakistan: President Karzai flew to Islamabad to hold meetings with the new government in Islamabad. Karzai is seeking Pakistani assistance in facilitating talks with the Afghan Taliban. Comment: Karzai’s instincts are accurate in focusing on Pakistan. Without Quetta and continuous Pakistani official protection, the Afghan Taliban leadership would have had no place from which to …

Afghanistan Beats Pakistan in Soccer — First Meeting Since 1970’s — Ecstasy Among the People — Has USA Noticed?

In First Meeting Since 1970s, Afghanistan Tops Pakistan In Soccer NPR’s Sean Carberry was at today’s game; he filed this report for our Newscast unit: “Thousands of fans, and hundreds of security forces, packed into the small stadium in Kabul. After a slow start, the Afghan team scored, and then never let Pakistan back into …

NIGHTWATCH: Sanctioning the Pakistani Training Schools for Suicide Terrorists

US-Pakistan: The US Treasury on Tuesday set economic sanctions on a Pakistan Islamic school it branded a ‘terrorist training center’ supporting al-Qaida and the Taliban. The Treasury said the Ganj madrassah in Peshawar was being used as a training and recruiting base by two militant groups, as well as the radical Lashkar-e-Taiba blamed for the …