Reality Check: 5 Problems with CIA Claim that Russians “Hacked” the Election

PROBLEM 1: Leaked the story anonymously rather than officially PROBLEM 2: Zero evidence that leaking individuals tied to Russia PROBLEM 3: CIA lies — “culture of misinformation” — lied repeatedly about torture…. PROBLEM 4: CIA investigators themselves do not agree — some questions remain unanswered PROBLEM 5: Assange says it was a leak not a …

Global Reality: Overview of Planning and Programming Factors for Expeditionary Operations (Re-Inventing National Security Book 2)

Reality bats last — the US military has not been designed in the context of a Grand Strategy, nor has it been designed with any attention at all to Global Reality. The US military is too slow, too heavy, too expensive, too complex, and spread too thin to be effective — it cannot deter, defend, …

Re-Inventing the US Army: Strategy, Reality, Precepts, Structure, & Leadership (Re-Inventing National Security Book 3)

We have, with the election of Donald Trump,a once-in-a-century opportunity to rethink, reinvent, and reinvest in our national military concepts, doctrine, human capital, organizations, technologies, and command structures, while eradicating much of the waste that is characteristic of a “government specifications cost plus” approach to contracting. Donald Trump won against all odds, against both parties, …

Stephen E. Arnold: Censoring Reality — From China to Europe, Facebook & Google Are Lead Censors…

When Censorship Means More Money, Facebook Leans In The article on Vanity Fair titled Facebook Is Reportedly Building a Censorship Tool to Win Over China suggests that the people nervous about what it will mean to address the fake news proliferation are correct. The fear that Facebook managing fake news stories might lead to actual …

KINDLE: Global Reality – Overview of Planning and Programming Factors for Expeditionary Operations

Reality bats last — the US military has not been designed in the context of a Grand Strategy, nor has it been designed with any attention at all to Global Reality. The US military is too slow, too heavy, too expensive, too complex, and spread too thin to be effective — it cannot deter, defend, …

Oprah: A Message of Hope As U.S. Grapples With The Reality Of A Trump Presidency

Oprah Offers A Message Of Hope As U.S. Grapples With The Reality Of A Trump Presidency “I could sense, maybe I’m wrong, but I could sense from Donald Trump’s body language even when he came out for the acceptance speech, that brotha has been humbled by this world thing,” she said. “I think it’s a …