John Robb: How Drones Can Recharge from Power Lines and Remain Active for Years

How Drones Can Live off the Land for Years Cyberweapons and synthetic biological weapons (GMOs) can self provision. They have the ability to live off the land (hosts, like human bodies and PCs) once they are unleashed. NOTE:  In many cases, they can also make perfect copies of themselves (copies in the trillions). But what …

John Robb: Four Things Every Community Should Self-Fund

Couple Uses Massive Lottery Payout to Build Community Infrastructure By John Robb Here’s a great story. Mark and Cindy Hill, from Dearborn, Missouri, recently won a quarter billion dollar lottery payout.  What makes them different from the typically lottery winner is that it doesn’t look like they will spontaneously combust due to excessive consumption.  Instead, from …

John Robb: Cyber-War with China — Wrong Answer (and Robert Steele with Better Answer)

Cyber Deterrence against China? The only route left is an Open Source Approach Is there a way to deter cyber attacks? Yes. Two ways. One takes a moral high ground. I won’t waste any time discussing that option. Why? After flame/stuxnet, and the unilateral escalation of the cyberweapons arms race by the US, that option …

John Robb: Life in the Networked Age — P2P versus Google-zilla

Life in a Networked Age Posted: 18 Feb 2013 12:11 PM PST Here’s some idle thinking for a sunny afternoon at the end of winter. To access it, let’s make a simple assumption that economics, politics, and warfare are all a function of the dominant technological substrate. A technological substrate is the family of related …