Robin Good: Digital Archiving Crib — Best Practices

John Bell, web developer, PhD student and lecturer at the University of Maine has published a useful cheat sheet synthesizing the best file formats to work with, provide access to, and to permanently archive digital artworks. The visual guide provides archival file format references for text, audio, video and image contents as well as suggestions …

Robin Good: 13 Sense-Making Approaches to Add Value to Information

According to Harold Jarche, knowledge is an emergent property of all sense-making activities. Curation and PKM (personal knowledge management) have the same objective: helping oneself and others gain more understanding about whatever we are interested in. The only difference between the two is that curation devotes itself to satisfy the knowledge needs of an audience …

Robin Good: Online Fact Checking with Verification Junkie

Verification Junkie is an excellent free online resource curating the most relevant tools for fact-checking and verification of online content. “A growing directory of tools for verifying, fact checking and assessing the validity of social media and user generated content.” For each tool collected, Josh Stearns has provided a detailed description, and relevant links. My …

Robin Good: 6 Ways to Add Value to Content Curation

Pawan Deshpande outlines, explains and illustrates with real examples six different approaches that you can use to add value to your content curation efforts. He outlines how to: Abstract Summarize Quote Retitle Storyboard Parallelize My comment: Excellent resource for content marketers wanting to move up one level the level of their curation, from simple republishing …