SchwartzReport: Real Farmers Grow Soil

There is an alternative to corporate industrialized chemical mono-culture agriculture. Here is a description of what it would look like. This approach works with the Earth’s meta-systems, instead of trying to dominate them. Microbes Will Feed the World, or Why Real Farmers Grow Soil, Not Crops

SchwartzReport: On TPP Obama Betrays Public

This report arguments the Stiglitz, Sanders, and Warren papers warning us about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Obama for whatever reason is defending the indefensible. It is a grave error with horrible consequences. I’m Not Making This Up: Corporations Use Trade Deals To Attack U.S. Law

SchwartzReport: Harvesting Water from Fog

Here is a lovely story of a creative low tech and inexpensive solution to certain kinds of drought. It wouldn’t work everywhere, but it will many places. It replicates a technology used by Egyptians 5,000 years ago. Trapping humidity out of fog in Chile

SchwartzReport: Hawaii Achieving Energy Freedom

Here is some very exciting news about Hawaii and energy. This would make that state the leader in the U.S. in the  conversion away from carbon energy, and the monopolistic centralized power model that has dominated the American market for decades. Hawaii Is Leading the Nation on Clean Energy Goals to Become Fossil Free

SchwartzReport: Drones to Plant One Billion Trees

Used to perpetuate mono-culture this technology could produce disaster. But used as described it could do great good in restoring the Amazon rain forest, for instance. It would make the task doable. Ex-NASA Engineer to Plant One Billion Trees a Year Using Drones The company’s CEO, who might be called ‘Johnny Apple Drone’, thinks it should …