SchwartzReport: Solar Creates More Jobs than Oil & Gas Extraction — Solar Jobs Up 80% in Four Years

As predicted the shift to non-carbon energy is creating wealth as well as wellness, and it is gaining momentum. This development makes excellent news.  Carbon energy will do everything it can to continue to control the production of energy but that industry is on the wrong side of history. The Solar Industry Created More Jobs …

John Steiner: Conservatives for Solar Power

Localism is an area in which eco-liberals and grassroots conservatives tend to see eye to eye. This solar initiative looks like a good opportunity for another transpartisan win. Florida Conservative Group Launches Ballot Initiative To Increase Access To Solar Power

SchwartzReport: Australia Achieves Most Efficient Solar Panels — Total Conversion Within 15 Years?

Here is the latest on the Solar Trend, and it is very good news. The price of non-carbon energy is dropping so quickly and so far, that will will soon be clear to anyone that whatever one’s views on climate change, carbon energy is simply no longer competitive. A conversion generally thought to take 30 …

SchwartzReport: Solar & Wind Energy Winning on Price vs. Conventional Fuels — PBI Add True Costs and Corrupt Fossil Subsidies and It’s a No-Brainer

The non carbon energy trend is gathering momentum at a surprising rate, and it is very good news. Here is The New York Times view, which I consider an establishment perspective and all the more surprising for that. Solar and Wind Energy Start to Win on Price vs. Conventional Fuels The cost of providing electricity …

SchwartzReport: Solar Grid Parity by 2016 — While Corrupt Governments Continue to Subsidize Fossil Fuel

Grid parity in 2016 will result in a very rapid shift in power infrastructure. If you could heat and electrify your house and run your car more cheaply why wouldn’t you do it? The market will kill carbon energy faster than government regulation. It is government stimulation, not regulation that is the leverage point. The …