Owl: More on Origins of False Flag Syrian Gas Attack Conspiracy

More on Origins of False Flag Syrian Gas Attack Conspiracy This Yahoo item originally came out in January 2013 in a UK newspaper, The Daily Mail: “London, Jan 30, 2013 (ANI): The Obama administration gave green signal to a chemical weapons attack plan in Syria that could be blamed on President Bashar al Assad’s regime …

Owl: Syrian False-Flag Gas Attacks Evidence Crucifies Saudi Arabia

Syrian False-Flag Gas Attacks Evidence This page from the Alex Jones site is a must-see, offering a remarkable compilation of 7 separate videos from Arabic sources showing evidence of non-Syrian government entities involved on the gas attack of Syrian civilians. “With the assistance of former PLO member and native Arabic-speaker Walid Shoebat, WND has assembled …

Berto Jongman: US False Flag CW for Syria, to Trigger International Intervention

The theater of the macabre continues. Multimedia presentation Phi Beta Iota:  All our sources call into question all claims that CW has been used by anyone.  The highest probability is that the rebels are faking it hoping to lure the USA into Syria the way the USA lured Russia into Afghanistan. We tend not to …

Berto Jongman: Stronger Signals US Planning False-Flag Chemical Attack in Syria

Sorcha Faal (David Booth) is a know frabricator with a gift for surfacing and connecting dots that merit attention. Obama Plan For World War III Stuns Russia A grim Federal Security Services (FSB) report circulating in the Kremlin confirming the validity of the just released hacked emails of the British based defence company, Britam Defence, …

Berto Jongman: Syrian Classified Documents Leaked – False Flag?

Being read in Europe. Al Arabiya to air newly-leaked, highly-classified Syrian security documents A special news program showcasing newly-leaked and highly-classified Syrian security documents will be aired by Al Arabiya News Channel, the 24/7 free-to-air news and current affairs newscaster. These documents were obtained with the assistance of members in the Syrian opposition; which has …

Gordon Duff: New False Flag Sarin Gas Videos Coming from White Helmet Covert Action Media Influence Group

Witnesses: White Helmets Finish Filming New Fake Gas Attack for Trump, Russia Will Retaliate…Against US The White Helmets have finished filming a staged provocation implicating the Syrian army in the use of chemical agents, according to the Russian Centre for Syria reconciliation. The group’s video will show fake casualties allegedly caused by a “chemical attack” …