Chuck Spinney: The Timeless Corrupt Defense Bow Wave — with Comment from Robert Steele on How to Cut Defense 30% AND Create a 450-Ship Navy, Long-Haul Air Force, and Air-Mobile Army

One of the real benefits of being in the defense business is that you can leave it for 20 or 30 or even 40 years and go fishing deep in the Canadian Rockies. But if you need a job when you return, you can easily restart your career. All you need to learn are a …

Winslow Wheeler: Pentagon’s $1 Trillion a Year Budget — We Do Not Make This Stuff Up!

America’s $1 Trillion National Security Budget by Winslow T. Wheeler March 13, 2014 The Pentagon’s current leadership and most on the House and Senate Armed Services Committees in Congress describe President Obama’s 2015 defense budget request as painfully austere, if not dangerously inadequate.  The defense trade press is full of statements from generals, admirals and …

Chuck Spinney: Ukraine Hysteria, Spies, Lies, & Pentagon Budget Games

This report/analysis in Le Monde Diplomatique (also attached below) provides a background on the rise of far right — some would say neo-fascist — politics in Ukraine.  I have reformatted and highlighted it to emphasize points that struck me as important.  If you find my markup distracting, the preceding link will take you to the …

Robert Steele: Why We Need a Defense Clandestine Service

SHORT URL: Commentary: Why We Need a Defense Clandestine Service DefenseNews, 3 March 2014 I was a CIA spy from 1979 to 1988, leaving when invited to be a co-creator of the Marine Corps Intelligence Center from 1988 to 1993. Since 1993, I have been one of the more persistent published proponents of intelligence …

Marcus Aurelius: Defense Clandestine Service Here to Stay? Dubious in All Respects – And Still No Plumbing

Sigh. Concur with the comments and would add Sumner Shapiro’s own finding on the 80-20 rule. Flynn seems to be going the mini-me route, replicating CIA’s long-standing failure. Wasted effort and money — and still no focus on the plumbing. Analysis: Defense Clandestine Service Is Here To Stay WASHINGTON — Senior US officials and lawmakers …