Pakistan Medical Resource Finder, Millions at Risk of Fatal Diseases This is a good idea/resource that needs a great deal of additional information and mobile SMS access. Thanks to those posting at the Ushahidi Twitter feed Related: + Epidemic advisory situation report + Crisis Commons Wiki on Pakistan Floods + Sahana Foundation Flood Response Resources + + Crisis mappers + Praecipio International | …

Worth a Look: InSTEDD Emergency Support to Emergencies, Diseases, and Disasters

Our Mission InSTEDD’s mission is to harness the power of technology to improve collaboration for global health and humanitarian action. We are an innovation lab for tools designed to strengthen networks, build community resilience and improve early detection and response to major health-related events and natural or human-caused disasters. We grapple daily with the challenges of …

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Disease

Disease Review: Betrayal of Trust–The Collapse of Global Public Health Review: COMA (Fiction) Review: The Blue Death–Disease, Disaster, and the Water We Drink Review: The Health of Nations–Infectious Disease, Environmental Change, and Their Effects on National Security and Development Review: Toxin (Fiction)