2009 The Ultimate Hack: Re-Inventing Intelligence to Re-Engineer the World (Faculty of Advanced Engineering University of British Columbia March 2009)

Handouts (Their Site) PPT (Our Site): 2009 UBC The Ultimate Hack Slides 2.0 FINAL, with Notes) With a tip of the hat the University of British Columbia and Professor John Meech of the Faculty of Advanced Engineering, this is the latest briefing.  As with most of my briefings, planned words for brevity can be found …

2008 War and Peace in the Digital Era (Draft)

General Peter Schoomaker–the same general that gave Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) a proper hearing at the U.S. Special Operations Command, created the first active duty Army Civil Affairs Brigade since WWII, stood up by Col Ferd Irizarry, USA.  I personally believe that the theaters commands must become Whole of Government commands, and that Army Civil …