2007 Open Source Intelligence (Strategic) 2.0

Now that everyone is paying attention, this is being posted in full text online in support of a larger M4IS2 / OSE dialog. Document:  Strategic OSINT (Chapter 6 in Strataegic Intelligence Vol 2) 10 MB Links added below throughout, updated where appropriate. See Also: 21st Century Intelligence Core References 2.0 Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Robert …

Reference (2012): Expectations of Intelligence in the Information Age, Review by Steele, Wright, Anon & New Link 3.0

UPDATE: 1 January 2013 from Spanish Dancer: What is most striking to me, and to a few others I have spoken to recently, is the SECDEF quote early in the paper.  If we follow its premise it puts anyone who opposes our projection of power in the cross hairs.  It is this doctrinal fluff that …

Mini-Me: Petraeus as CIA Says Benghazi was Terrorist Attack — NSA Behind on Relevant Intercepts; DIA Not Being Allowed to Think, Zero HUMINT Sucks

Short Persistent URL:  http://tinyurl.com/Benghazi-Bathtub Huh? Petraeus tells Congress that Benghazi attack was terrorism By Karen DeYoung and Ed O’Keefe, Washington Post, Friday, November 16 Former CIA director David H. Petraeus told Congress on Friday that the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, was clearly an act of terrorism, but he did not …

Marcus Aurelius: Thomas Ricks on Generals “Casual Arrogance”

Combine this with the reporting on toxic leadership (e.g. by LTG(R) Walter Ulmer) and you have the whole picture.  Emphasis added below. Questioning The Brass By Thomas E. Ricks New York Times, November 12, 2012 Pg. 29 Washington–OVER the last 11 years, as we fought an unnecessary war in Iraq and an unnecessarily long one …

Mini-Me: CIA Bimbo Eruption or Hit Job with Vickers Replacing Patreaus? Photos Updated 14 Nov

Huh? “The harassing e-mails Broadwell sent to the woman [evidently from Patreus’s personal email account and computer] said things such as “I know what you did,” “back off” and “stay away from my guy,” a government official said.” “This is about something else entirely, and the truth will come out,” Broadwell’s dad, Paul Krantz, told …