Eagle: Beyond Downsizing — Small Homes That Harvest Rain and Generate Power

Beyond Downsizing. How Baby Boomers Can Avoid a Failed Retirement Here’s a little bit of a twist on some conventional analysis. Let’s start with a trend.  The baby boomers are getting older.  Their kids have departed (most of them).  It’s time to downshift towards prepare for 20-30 years of “active retirement.” How?  They need to get their …

Winslow Wheeler: Stop the Assassination of the A-10

Usually ignored by the press as insufficiently interesting to technology dazzled editors and reviled by the civilian and military leadership of the Air Force as not what they think they should spend money and careers on, the A-10 “Warthog” has broken through into Washington DC’s consciousness.  Interestingly, the attention was provoked by a heavy handed …

David Swanson: Groups Call on Congress to Cut “Runaway” Military Spending by 25-50%

Groups Call on Congress to Make Massive Cuts in Runaway Military Spending A diverse array of organizations today launched a campaign to enact major cuts in wasteful military spending, as part of the December 13 federal budget resolution. The groups include peace, human service, economic and environmental justice organizations, food sovereignty and green energy groups, …

Tikkun: The Spiritual Truth of JFK – 50 Years On…

November 22 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and virtually all major TV channels, magazines, and other media outlets are planning specials, documentaries, articles with historical analyses and personal retellings of where people were at the time of assassination. Also, Oliver Stone’s 1991 Oscar-nominated film JFK challenging the conventional theory …

Event: Friday 22 NOV 13 Washington DC Close Air Support and the A-10 — Is US Air Force Ready to Turn Close Air Support Over to the US Army?

CLOSE AIR SUPPORT WITH AND WITHOUT THE A-10 — WILL US TROOPS GET THE HELP THEY NEED? A Seminar on Supporting US Ground Forces in Combat, Fighting Effectively in Future Wars, and Acquiring Effective Hardware at Affordable Prices Sponsored by the Straus Military Reform Project and the Project On Government Oversight Time: Friday, November 22, …

Marcus Aurelius: SecDef Puts Humans on the Block

SECDEF speaks; see article below.  Key points: First SOF Truth, equally applicable to every single element of the Joint Force, has been forgotten:  HUMANS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN HARDWARE.  First SOF Truth, repeat after me, Mr. Secretary:  HUMANS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN HARDWARE. Troops and families — carriers of the rifles and the rucksacks and …

Penguin: Our Veterans, Our Blood, Our Soul

This captures my continuing anguish. How American Troops in Afghanistan became Unreal (Jones) Ann Jones writes at Tomdispath.com Informed Comment Posted on 11/08/2013 by Juan Cole The last time I saw American soldiers in Afghanistan, they were silent. Knocked out by gunfire and explosions that left them grievously injured, as well as drugs administered by …