Journal: Financial War, Expropriation of Assets Next?

Economic historians have long recognized that one of the biggest mistakes deepening and prolonging the Great Depression was the establishment of beggar-thy-neighbour policy wars, like trying to protect domestic production by imposing protective tariffs.  But these tariffs hurt everyone, because the reduction in world trade depressed demand and  production to a greater extent than tariffs …

Journal: Neither Twitter nor Facebook Lead Revolution

The attached critique of network centric change has facebook/twitter evangelicals in uproar, but it is very insightful, and, I would add, consistent with every treatise on guerrilla warfare and revolution I have read. Chuck ANNALS OF INNOVATION SMALL CHANGE Why the revolution will not be tweeted. by Malcolm Gladwell, New Yorker OCTOBER 4, 2010 Social …

Journal: What Revolution in Military Affairs? Shattering the illusion of bloodless victory

It is not as if the disaster described below, in the Afghan war logs released by Wikileaks to the Guardian, the New York Times, and der Spiegle, was not foreseeable.  Here, for example, is an op-ed I wrote for Defense Week in April 2001, well before we began the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. And I …

Journal: NYT to Robert Young Pelton–Sorry, Our Bad

Setting the record straight on ‘contractor’ spies The Washington Post Spy Talk    Jeff Stein Robert Young Pelton spent years investigating counterterrorism mercenaries, so the last thing he expected was to be branded one himself. Yet there he was on the front page of the New York Times on March 14, his color picture flanked by …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: PSYOP versus Truth in AF-PK

Afghanistan-Pakistan: Afghanistan’s Tolo TV cited Pakistani media stating that Taliban chief Mullah Mohammad Omar was arrested in Pakistan, Xinhua reported 6 July. Taliban spokesman Qari Yusuf Ahmadi almost immediately rejected the report as “mere Western propaganda,” stating that the Taliban chief is free, enjoys sound health and is in full command of his fighters. The …