20120624 Open Source Everything Highlights

After Oracle, OpenSolaris rises again Oracle tried to kill it, but the former Sun project has emerged from the ashes, nurtured by a crowd of innovative startups Airlines should work together on open source apps Computerworld: Virgin Atlantic’s IT director, David Bulman, has called upon the airline industry to work collaboratively on open source applications …

Tom Atlee: Emerging Economics #3 – The Sharing Economy

Emerging Economics #3: The Sharing Economy Dear friends One of the key features of “the new economy” is sharing.  More and more people are sharing housing, cars, bikes, tools, meals, skills, money, books, ideas, music, energy, recreation, projects, transportation, knowledge, problem-solving, visions, jobs, ownership, clothes, stories, time… Sharing is a resource in hard times as …

Chuck Spinney: Gar Alperovitz on Rise of the New Economy Movement

The Rise of the New Economy Movement By Gar Alperovitz, AlterNet, 23 May 12 s our political system sputters, a wave of innovative thinking and bold experimentation is quietly sweeping away outmoded economic models. In ‘New Economic Visions’, a special five-part AlterNet series edited by Economics Editor Lynn Parramore in partnership with political economist Gar Alperovitz …

Tom Atlee: Emerging EcoNomics #1 – DIY “Makers” and Resilient Communities

EMERGING ECONOMICS #1 DIY “MAKERS” AND RESILIENT COMMUNITIES by Tom Atlee So we find ourselves in the midst of economic disruptions that may well foreshadow long-term, whole-system economic breakdowns fed by a full spectrum of emerging dynamics – from resource depletion (especially peak oil and loss of fresh water and topsoil) to climate change, with …

Top Atlee: Final Words from Ernest Callenbach the Author of Ecotopia & Ecotopia Emerging

Dear friends, Ernest Callenbach’s ECOTOPIA and its prequel ECOTOPIA EMERGING were major books in my developing thinking about how a sustainable society might evolve.  ECOTOPIA, the more famous of the two, provides Callenbach’s overall vision of what might be possible.  ECOTOPIA EMERGING – with far better characterization and more compelling plot – tells the story …

John Steiner: Japan Going Nuke Free? Will US and China Follow?

Japan May Go Nuke-Free Tomorrow…But Will the US & China Follow? NukeFree.org, May 3, 2012 Japan’s one remaining operating reactor (of 54) may go dark tomorrow.  Japan would be nuke-free for the first time in a half-century. Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda is desperately trying to get Osaka’s Mayor to allow the Ohi nuke to stay open. …