Stephen E. Arnold: Tables and News — or Tables and Decision-Support?

Tablets and Periodicals October 19, 2013 Are tablets the salvation of the newspaper industry? Google’s chief economist thinks they may be. In a speech he recently gave in Milan, Hal Varian points to the ways consumers’ usage of tablets differs from that of other devices. Writer Will Conley summarizes: “Varian said tablets are the most …

Paul Craig Roberts: Americans Selling Body Parts for Income

Bloomberg News — Americans Sell Body Parts For Income The American economic crisis of the 21st century is becoming worse. Wall Street and the multinational US corporations have offshored millions of US jobs that provided middle class incomes. Americans who lost these jobs have experienced dramatic reductions in their incomes and access to medical care. …

4th Media: What Will Happen to the Global Economy If BRICS Announce Launch of New Currency – BRISCO?

What Will Happen to the Global Economy If BRICS Announce Launch of New Currency – BRISCO? Peter Koenig, a former World Bank economist and a Voice of Russia regular, outlines one of the scenarios in which America’s plans for a New World Order are broken. Part I For several decades, we’ve been told by the mainstream media …

SchwartzReport: Is Justice Scalia Insane? Or Merely Possessed by the Devil?

When I read this interview I was stunned. I have never thought much of Scalia. Like Clarence Thomas I have always thought of him as first and foremost an ideologue, and as with Thomas there are also growing ethical issues involving him. But I really had no idea how very inappropriate it is for this …

4th Media: Finding a New Level of Democratic Empowerment in Malaysia: The Village Consultative Committee

Finding a New Level of Democratic Empowerment in Malaysia: The Village Consultative Committee (Editor’s note: A paper presented to the International Forum on Malaysia 50 Years On: Expectation Vs. Reality,1 BORNEO GRAND BALLROOM; Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia on 5th October, 2013] Introduction Malaysian society has been preoccupied with political discussion since the electoral ’tsunami’ of …

John Steiner: From Sanity Central on NSA and the Surveillance State

“The potential of the surveillance  state goes way beyond anything in George Orwell’s 1984, (said Guardian Editor) Alan Rusbridger . ‘Orwell could never have imagined this concept of scooping up everything all the time’. The NSA stories were ‘clearly’ not about totalitarianism, but an infrastructure had been created that could be dangerous if it fell …

Greg Palast: Senate Puts Summers Back Into Shit Can

Larry Summers:  Goldman Sacked By Greg Palast for Vice Magazine Monday, 16 September 2013 Joseph Stiglitz couldn’t believe his ears.  Here they were in the White House, with President Bill Clinton asking the chiefs of the US Treasury for guidance on the life and death of America’s economy, when the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury …