Yoda: Geneva Bans 4G & 5G for Three Years — All Experts Continue to Call for a Total Global Ban on 5G

Precautionary Principle Prevails! 3-Year Moratorium on 5G AND 4G Deployment in Geneva, Switzerland Worldwide opposition to 5G technology continues to increase and for a variety of valid reasons IN ADDITION to biological and environmental risks (see 1, 2, 3, 4).  Unfortunately, 5G isn’t the only source of unsafe technology.  All sources of cell phone and …

Ed Jewett: Pandemic Integrity 101 – USA Fails Big Time – Memo for POTUS

Coalescing Effective Community Disaster Response: Simulation and Virtual Communities of Practice Decisions and information flow back and forth, and up and down, the tapestry of response. Inaccurate perceptions, ineffective and inefficient communications and other factors may combine to generate instability or breakdown in systems responsible for crisis management and communal safety and well-being.

Owl: 32,000+ COVID-19 Articles UNLOCKED

A good example of what is  possible. Humanity wins: our fight to unlock 32,544 COVID-19 articles for the world Phi Beta Iota: Now imagine if ALL knowledge was “unlocked.” And do not celebrate the above — published articles are 1% of written articles which are 1% of what is known. The system is hosed.

Paul Doyon: Protection & Healing in Face of 5G / Radiation — And Renewed Call to STOP 5G — TURN IT OFF!

What Can You Do to Protect Yourselves? Well given that accordingly the EMF effects act via the activation of VGCCs with a resulting increase in calcium ions inside the cell stimulating nitric oxide synthase to produce more nitric oxide leading downstream to the creation of free radicals (aka reactive oxygen species), it is important to, …

Zero Hedge: Six Reasons Covid-19 Fails Sniff Test

Authored by Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com, Only one form of contagion travels faster than a virus. And that’s fear. – Dan Brown, Inferno It appears reaction to Coronavirus has wreaked more carnage globally than the virus itself. Although a 2-3% mortality rate is nothing to sneeze at, it’s not exactly a Biblical plague either; even if virtually none of it passes …