Chuck Spinney: Israeli Micro-Management of Gaza Malnutrition

Below is a BBC report of and Israeli “calorie” study drafted in support of Israel blockade policies for Gaza.  To Israel’s credit, an Israeli human rights group forced the release of this report, but it does nevertheless raise a question: What kind of government would authorize work on such a methodical report on this subject …

Berto Jongman: Kosovo – Crime without Punishment, Power without Responsibility

Crime without punishment, power without responsibility – Kosovo, international policy and the rule of law Unless the international community demonstrates it is serious abouthuman rights, restitution and disrupting organised crime and criminality, its current policy of stability in place of justice can only continue to fuel both injustice and instability. Learn more about the principles …

Search: solutions for prosperous world UPDATED to include readings & contact info

Updated 29 October 2012 to include frequent search request “readings about solutions for a prosperous world” also added skype and email contact info New integrated search term:  readings about solutions for a prosperous world The proven process of intelligence is not secret, not federal, and not expensive.  Thinking is free.  What matters is the strategic …

Parag Khanna and Frank Jacobs: The New World – More Small Nations, New Economic Zones, High-Speed Rail, Singapore to Vladivostok to London — While the Americas Decline

The New World Frank Jacobs and Parag Khanna The New York Times Sunday Review, September 22, 2012 IT has been just over 20 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the last great additions to the world’s list of independent nations. As Russia’s satellite republics staggered onto the global stage, one could be …

Search: “new rules for the new craft of intelligence”

Apologies for the limitations of WordPress search.  Google Search/”new rules for the new craft of intelligence”   We asked Robert Steele to review our answer below, and he responded with “If I were doing the chapter over again, I would put INTEGRITY as rule number one–in national security, any lie told by one government officer to …