Project Masiluleke: The Mobile Phone as Life-Saving Device Against HIV/AIDS in South Africa

Project Masiluleke is a South African project that aims to find solutions for the country’s growing AIDS pandemic. The project is unique in that it enjoys the collaboration of a group of leading South African and international partners in the clinical, technical, philanthropic, development and design arena’s. The project was unveiled globally at the annual …

Event: 29-31 July 2010, Berkeley CA, Open Science Summit

Objectives:  Create an annual flagship event and news hub to build and maintain the identity of the international Open Science Movement.  Organize the various sub-communities into an effective, global, socio-technological force for rapid change in science/innovation policy. An attempt to gather all stakeholders who want to liberate our scientific and technological commons and enable a …

EVENT REPORT: State of the Planet 2010, Columbia Univ, New York City

Panels and keynotes program schedule I was told via email from someone involved in the event that a video will be posted online.I will be posting this over a the Earth Institute blog (especially since it has zero comments for the March 25 event) as a challenge to improve the overall framework of the “State …

True Cost: Cost of food-borne illnesses is deemed much higher than earlier estimates

Among the food scares in recent years was a deadly E. coli outbreak tied to spinach. In most cases, it’s unknown how or why people get ill from what they eat. (Justin Sullivan / Getty Images / September 15, 2006) Phi Beta Iota: The second sentence is ignorant.  It is well-known that between industrial farming …