Seed Money for Ideas Addressing Global Health Challenges–and the Fly in the Milk Bowl

Unorthodox thinking is essential to overcoming the most persistent challenges in global health. Vaccines were first developed over 200 years ago because revolutionary thinkers took an entirely new approach to preventing disease. Grand Challenges Explorations fosters innovation in global health research. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has committed $100 million to encourage scientists worldwide …

Review: The World Is Open–How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education

6 STAR Wake Up Call for All Educators August 19, 2010 Curtis J. Bonk UPDATE 21 Aug 2010 to add two graphics. I’ve seen educators struggle to herd their faculty cats, hire staff under industrial-era rules, and strive to accommodate students that know more than their professors about anything outside the “teach to test” topic. …

Event: 6 Aug – 25 Sept 2010, Denver CO, Art of Dirt: Exhibit on Water Tech & Art fr Dev Countries

A two-part exhibition of water technologies and artwork from developing countries where Denver-based IDE works to cultivate prosperity. Part I (August 6 – 31) of the exhibition features photographs of the people IDE works with every day, along with displays of the innovative water technologies IDE has developed as part of its Bill and Melinda …