Daniel Gullota: I Am A Stupid Fuck On the Topic of Q Anon . . .

 QAnon and the Satanic Panics of Yesteryear What they can teach us about what to expect. Many details concerning the beliefs of QAnon are bizarre and difficult to piece together. Ambitious works of journalism, decent explainer articles, and even a vast and messy Wikipedia page can’t quite do justice to its tangled, knotted, shifting conspiracy …

Robert Steele: FBI SWAT Team Against a Doctor Truther? Does FBI Have a Death Wish?

Frontline Doctor Simone Gold: FBI ‘Broke Down My Door’ In Swat Team Raid Of 20 Men. Must See Simone Gold Interview With Michelle Malkin On Stop Medical Discrimination! ROBERT STEELE: I weep for the FBI. Founded by a pedophile who pioneered political blackmail; castrated by Congress to prevent future Abscams, this organization is now a …