Journal: Strategic Analysis & Culture Matter

The Afghanistan Problem The huge cultural misunderstandings between Western forces and the Afghan people make it unlikely any counterinsurgency mission in the countryside will succeed. By Gilles Dorronsoro In the countryside, Westerners are essentially perceived as corrupt and threatening to traditional Afghan or Muslim values. Contrary to our self-perception, the villagers see the foreigners as …

Review: The Secret Sentry–The Untold History of the National Security Agency

by Matthew M. Aid. Bloomsbury, 423 pp., $30.00 REVIEW BY James Bamford The New York Review of Books (5 November 2009) Pre-released in The Huffington Post (Full Review Here) Bamford on Detail, Steele on Impact–Solid Five Stars October 17, 2009 Phi Beta Iota: James Bamford is without peer in his understanding of the NSA. He …

Journal: How Many CIA’s and How Threatening is the CIA to the Lives of Leon Panetta and Barack Obama?

We were surprised this morning to learn that Ray McGovern, a CIA veteran whose credibility we respect, is saying that Leon Panetta and Barack Obama may be treating CIA with kid gloves for fear of being assassinated by the “insider” CIA that itself fears criminal prosecution for the death of over 100 detainees in CIA …