Review: EMERGE! The Rise of Functional Democracy and the Future of the Middle East

Elza S. Maalouf, Foreword by Don Beck 5.0 out of 5 stars Extraordinary — Empowering, World-Changing, Rich in Substance, December 6, 2014 This book was recommended to me by Michael Ostrolenk, whom I consider one of the most inspiring transpartisan figures in America today, and endorsed by Elisabet Sahtouris, evolution biologist and “Yoda” to many …

Reflections: Paradise Found – Redefining Prosperity

Profit is Sustainable – If You Build Upon Intelligence with Integrity There are so many success stories today on the edges of the economy and society – EcoVillages, Transition Towns, and Intentional Communities among them – but the core concept of sustainable profit consistent with social and ecological integrity has yet to go mainstream. At …


Nuevo   PDF (100 Paginas):  911 POTUS traducido final    Tres Ideas 01 Unidad & Red de Inteligencia UNASUR Concepto: Ecuador como anfitrión, ofrece un equipo de inteligencia y comunicaciones de diez personas militares (un major, tres capitanes, tres sargentos, tres soldados, para las operaciones de tres personas de 24 horas — 8 horas …

ANSWERS to Spanish Dancer on CIA and SOF Replacing Conventional Forces

My Masters is focused on Strategic Studies and International Security and my thesis is about the relevance of the black-ops (paramilitary) to the detriment of the conventional military operations in America´s foreign policy. Basically I argue (due to literature that I´ve been revising for more than a year) that it is a fact that since …

Chuck Spinney: Al Jazeera on Israel Atrocity Against USS Liberty — YouTube, Article, Commentary — REMEMBER THE USS LIBERTY!

Al Jazeera America has produced a damning TV documentary on Israel’s deliberate and unprovoked attack on the U.S.N.S. Liberty, a WWII Navy liberty ship that had been converted into electronics snooper to support the NSA by listening in on other nation’s electronic transmissions.  The attack occurred in international waters, in clear weather, at 2PM on 8 June …

Berto Jongman: Obama’s Nuclear Hypocrisy – Spend One Trillion — Never Mind the Promise of a World Without Nuclear Weapons

Obama Promised a “World Without Nuclear Weapons,” But May Now Spend $1 Trillion on Upgrades A recent New York Times investigation found the United States is on pace to spend as much as $1 trillion over the next three decades to modernize its nuclear arsenal and facilities. This week, more than 150 countries at the …

Review: The Secessionist States of America – The Blueprint for Creating a Traditional Values Country … Now

Douglas MacKinnon 5.0 out of 5 stars Patriotic Cry from the Heart — Should NOT Be Ignored!, October 24, 2014 It breaks my heart to see reasonable credible cries from the heart on secession put forward, and to then see critics commenting on this material without thinking — in some cases obviously without reading the …