Anthony Judge: Scrutinizing the Cardinals by Educational Disciplines

Social Science and Natural Science Disciplines of Catholic Cardinals Analysis of the educational background of those engaged in the selection of the new Pope Explanation The election of a successor to Pope Benedict XVI in March 2013 raises the question as to the range of “disciplines” which might be called upon (or valued) by the …

John Maguire: An Evolving Systems Analysis of Sandy Hook

An Evolving Systems Analysis of Sandy Hook Sandy Hook in a New Light: Lately I find myself attempting to fit both personal experience and global events into a General Systems framework. General Systems Theory is an interdisciplinary field of inquiry pioneered by biologist Karl Ludwig von Bertalanffy. It seeks to expound principles that are applicable to …

Gold Transformer: Secret Service Disarms Marines, Russian Bombers Circle Guam — The Lunacy Continues

These two pieces go well together. Marines Were Disarmed for President Obama’s Second Inaugural Parade He’s gutted their healthcare, plans to cut their pay and apparently, doesn’t trust them either. David Codrea over at Gun Rights Examiner points out that Marines marching in President Obama’s second inaugural parade recently were caring rifles without bolts, meaning …

Stuart Umpleby: US Making Strategic Mistake in Science and Management Education — Robert Steele Connects to OSA, OSE, & M4IS2

RM 130212  Cybernetics Management and Security Policy I think the U.S. may be on the verge of making an important strategic mistake in science and in management education.  Here are three stories to illustrate the historical background. 1.  The Macy Foundation conferences in 1948-1953 led to founding the field of cybernetics.  See  The Am. …

INTELLIGENCE with INTEGRITY Chapter 3: The Human Factor

Utilizar el Traductor de Google en la parte superior de la columna central Utilisez Google Translate au haut de la colonne du milieu Google’ın Orta Sütun Top of Çevir kullanın Используйте Google Translate в верхней части среднего столбца Sử dụng Google Translate Đầu Cột Trung उपयोग Google मध्य स्तंभ के शीर्ष पर अनुवाद 在中间一列的顶部,使用谷歌翻译 05 …

2013 Robert Steele Answers to MA Student in UK — OSINT and Terrorism 2.0

Am quite happy to help you as very few really have a mastery of this emerging pillar of 21st Century intelligence.  I am posting this answer at Phi Beta Iota to help others, and will gladly respond to any further questions you might have, respecting your individual privacy. 01)  In identifying and discussing the mechanisms …