Berto Jongman: John Whitehead Reviews the the US Budget and What It Says About America and Americans

Why Are Americans Paying to be Searched, Spied On, Shot At, and Robbed Blind by the Government [and the Oligarchs Behind the Government]? John Whitehead OpEdNews, 7 April 2014 The State Department wants $400,000 to purchase a fiberglass sculpture of a camel looking at a needle for its new embassy in Pakistan. They’ve already spent …

UN High-Level Panel on Post-2015 Development Agenda

A New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies through Sustainable Development: The Report of the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda 30 May 2013 PDF (81 Pages): UN High Level Panel Post-2015 May 2013 Eradicating extreme poverty is central, with a focus on hunger, water, sanitation, education, and healthcare.

Richard Stallman: Free Software Newsletter Issue 73 March 2014

Free Software Supporter Issue 72, March 2014 View this issue online here: Encourage your friends to subscribe and help us build an audience by adding our subscriber widget to your web site. Subscribe: Widget: Miss an issue? You can catch up on back issues at TABLE OF CONTENTS New highs for …

Worth a Look: Dharma Cafe

Our Mission DharmaCafé begins from two very simple premises: That there actually is a numinous, luminous, spiritual, transcendent, and irreducibly conscious Reality (what we shall here call “the sacred”) and that our own participation in this Reality is the most vital, passionate, interesting, and important aspect of our individual and collective lives. Instead of expending …