Neal Rauhauser: Transcript of Meeting Between Julian Assange and Eric Schmidt with Department of State Staff

All sort of stuff popping up today.  Worth a complete and careful reading. Transcript of secret meeting between Julian Assange and Google CEO Eric Schmidt Friday April 19, 2013 On the 23 of June, 2011 a secret five hour meeting took place between WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, who was under house arrest in rural UK …

Rickard Falkvinge: How Today’s NSA Is Much, Much Worse Than Stasi Or Orwell’s “1984”

How Today’s NSA Is Much, Much Worse Than Stasi Or Orwell’s “1984” Privacy:  There are still people warning us of sleepwalking into a Stasi or “1984” society. They missed the boat by a long shot: we are already far, far past the point of Stasi or “1984”. The apparatus that governments have built to trace, …

Marcus Aurelius: UK Cuts Military, Lacks Ability to Reconfigure – Huge Opportunity for NATO NNEC

Is this the future of America in the world — racing pell-mell after the UK using essentially the same strategy that the Brits say we condemn? If You Want To Be Obama’s Lieutenant, PM, You’ll Need Soldiers By Camilla Cavendish London Sunday Times, June 16, 2013, Pg. 21 On Friday the sonorous boom of the …

Berto Jongman: Beyond Prism — Even More — Lots Lots More — Data Capture

Secret to Prism program: Even bigger data seizure By STEPHEN BRAUN, ANNE FLAHERTY, JACK GILLUM and MATT APUZZO WASHINGTON (AP) — In the months and early years after 9/11, FBI agents began showing up at Microsoft Corp. more frequently than before, armed with court orders demanding information on customers. Around the world, government spies and …

Franklin Lamb: Obama, Surrounded by Liars and Untried Youths, Declares War on Syria — USA Working for Iran (Again)

Why Obama is Declaring War on Syria Veterans Today, 15 June 2013 (Beirut) – The short answer is Iran and Hezbollah according to Congressional sources. “The Syrian army’s victory at al-Qusayr was more than the administration could accept given that town’s strategic position in the region. Its capture by the Assad forces has essentially added …

Paul Craig Roberts: The Social Cost of (Predatory) Capitalism — What Prostituted Economists Will Not Address

The Social Cost of (Predatory) Capitalism When I was a graduate student in economics, the social cost of capitalism was a big issue in economic theory. Since those decades ago, the social costs of capitalism have exploded, but the issue seems no longer to trouble the economics profession. Social costs are costs of production that …