Graphic: Graph Entropy

Source Phi Beta Iota:  This would be even more interesting if citation analytics and disciplinary dictionaries could be cross-referenced, that would potentially identify MISSING words and concepts, and POTENTIAL relationships between disciplines now operating in isolation from one another.  There are many information pathologies buried within all existing texts and images, there appears to be …

Howard Rheingold: How to manage a research library with Zotero

How to manage a research library with Zotero | Impact of Social Sciences Infotention-technique-rich — Howard “Keeping up to date with research and managing an ever-increasing number of journal articles is skill that must be well-honed by academics. Here, Alex Hope sets out how his workflow has developed using Zotero, Dropbox, Goodreader and his iPad.” …

David Isenberg: Death for Reed-Elsevier, Life for Knowledge

Elsevier Versus Wikipedia: Academics Revolt Against Giant Publisher by Pratap Chatterjee, CorpWatch Blog CorpWatch, May 11th, 2012 Over 11,000 academics have pledged to boycott Elsevier, the Dutch publishing giant, for profiting off their work and making it unavailable to the general public. Now Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, is about to turn the world of corporate …

Robert Steele: World Brain / Global Game Update with Concept for School of Future-Oriented Hybrid Governance and Centre for Multinational Multiagency Multidisciplinary Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2)

As the global economy collapses and increasing numbers recognize that no one is addressing our common problems with intelligence and integrity, it seems like a good time to quickly survey the state of the World Brain /Global Game. Here are a few headlines with short comments. 2011-07-07 Complex Global Issues Explored in the World Brain …

2013: The Evolving Craft of Intelligence 3.6 As Published

The Evolving Craft of Intelligence [Version 3.1] Robert David Steele There is little desire in the developed intelligence nations to see the craft of intelligence evolve in line with the revolutions in information technology and globalization. Indeed, it can safely be said that most leaders with access to intelligence services do not value them—they are …