Yoda: extraterrestrial Disclosure?

Agreement for Limited UFO ET Disclosure In a November 3 update, secret space program whistleblower Corey Goode has received new information suggesting we are on the verge of an official disclosure of information about a secret space program run by a consortium of military and corporate entities in the USA., and its major global allies.

Yoda: Cosmic Disclosure – SSP Think Tank with William Tompkins — Multiple Extra-Terrestial Civilizations, Caverns and Tunnels Galore…

Cosmic Disclosure: SSP Think Tank with William Tompkins Season 5, Episode 11 In this episode, we’re going to go even further into the life and times of William Tompkins. He’s going to start out telling us about the secret think tank he was involved with while he was working with the Navy and dealing with …

Owl: 9/11 Disclosures – Throwing the Saudis Under the Bus to Protect Israel and the Neo-Cons

9-11 organization in a nut-shell: Israelis: did all the planning with neocon and Zionist collaborators in NYC & DC; selected and managed Arab patsies, over-all technical preparations; Saudis: bankrolled the operation after Dick Cheney signed off on 9/11 and asked them to do so; American rogue military elements, including contract personnel: provided technology and expertise …

Marcus Aurelius: Benghazi Testimony, Non-Disclosure, Rotten Communications

The shuffle continues. Retiring Marine colonel tells Congress he wasn’t involved in Benghazi response A retiring Marine colonel who commanded a special operations unit in Africa during the deadly 2012 attacks on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, told Congress on Wednesday that an elite four-man team under his command was kept in the …

extraterrestrial Disclosures Increase….

2 February 2011 World business leaders told flying saucers are real & extraterrestrials exist Might Extraterrestrial Intelligence Sway Religious Beliefs? NASA’s Kepler Mission Discovers Earth-like Planets Extraterrestrials now live among us in China and in U.S.A., newspapers report See Also: