Jon Rappoport: Australia Bans Truth, Ends Free Speech

Breaking: Interview with Vaxxed producer who was just banned from Australia  Polly Tommey, producer of the famous documentary, Vaxxed, has been banned from Australia. If that sounds quite insane—it is. These Orwellian lunatics want to cancel the public’s right to have access to information. “Don’t think, obey.” Here is their strategy in a nutshell: they …

Jon Rappoport: Senator Chuck Schumer is Afraid — Very Afraid

What Chuck Schumer is revealing out in the open Chuck Schumer is echoing what many of his colleagues—and far more powerful people—are worrying about. Their vaunted mouthpieces, the NY Times, the Washington Post, etc., are failing. They can’t carry the same old freight with impunity. So Schumer “worries about the future of democracy.” What he’s …

Jon Rappoport: Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a Criminal Organization Murdering Over 100,000 People a Year

Shut down the FDA, start over Vera Sharav, at, has posted a piece about an investigation headed by NYU Professor Charles Seife. Seife and his students probed the work of the FDA, the federal agency tasked with approving medical drugs for public use. Sharav: “FDA documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, revealed …

Jon Rappoport: Trump versus the Deep State — CIA & Media in a Tizzy

The CIA-media marriage and the Trump effect Humpty-Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall… In a recent article, I described how Trump is up against both the media and the CIA. The CIA started infiltrating media with Operation Mockingbird, soon after Harry Truman created the Agency in 1947— and the infiltration has …

Jon Rappoport: Trump seeks to slash $6 billion from gov’t medical research: why not more?

Trump seeks to slash $6 billion from gov’t medical research: why not more? The US National Institutes of Health (NIH), a federal agency, is the largest medical research institution in the world. Its 2010 budget was $30 billion. It employs 20,000 people. Trump wants to cut $6 billion from its budget. Here’s what you need …

Jon Rappoport: Trump Takes on CIA — the First Since CIA Helped Assassinate JFK

Trump is challenging the whole CIA-media nexus As the mainstream press continues to stir the pot and attack Trump on every possible front, day after day, they strive to impart the impression that the escalating war between Trump and the CIA is a sign that the president’s administration is in a condition of severe imbalance, …