Event: 19-20 Oct DC, 29-30 Oct SanFran, 15-16 Nov London, Predictive Analytics Conference and Workshops

Predictive Analytics World Conferences/Workshops in Oct & Nov The predictive analytics conferences and workshops are coming right up – three Predictive Analytics Worlds (PAW) that I’m chairing, and one stand-alone workshop I facilitate. Let me know if you have any questions about their agendas. Oct 19-20 – WASHINGTON DC: PAW Conference & Workshops (pawcon.com/dc) Oct …

Search (3): time wheel intelligence, clean sheet analytics, quotations on truth

We’re re-thinking the entire site, but for the time being this is as good as it gets.  USE THE MIDDLE COLUMN.  To see ONLY events, click on Events in the middle column.  Similarly to see only Journal click there, only reviews, click there.  WordPress is reverse chronological in nature, so you automatically get the most …

Event: 19-20 October 2010 Washington DC Predictive Analytics

Predictive Analytics World Oct 19-20, 2010 to Washington, DC Predictive Analytics World is the business-focused event for predictive analytics professionals, managers and commercial practitioners, covering today’s commercial deployment of predictive analytics, across industries and across software vendors. The conference delivers case studies, expertise and resources to achieve two objectives: * Bigger wins: Strengthen the business …

Journal: Poverty Leading Cause of Early Death in US + Doctors Prescribing Farmers Market Foods = Need for Honest Holistic Public Policy Analytics

What We Miss When We Obsess Over Obesity Social epidemiologist Paula Lantz reveals what actually leads to premature deaths among Americans. Obesity? No. Poverty? Yes. By Tom Jacobs (Aug 11, 2010) So why is being poor hazardous to your health? Paula Lantz: Stress processes probably play a role. Chronic stress is not good for immune …