Patrick Buchanan: Will the Coronavirus Kill the New World Order?

Will the Coronavirus Kill the New World Order? What does the future hold? It may one day be said that the coronavirus delivered the deathblow to the New World Order, to a half-century of globalization, and to the era of interdependence of the world’s great nations. In retrospect, was it wise to have relied on …

Robert Steele: Coronavirus (and 5G) are a Counterintelligence Challenge — Has President Given the Orders? UPDATE: Ben Fulford Says Yes…

Today I am worried about the re-seeding of the biowarfare version of the coronavirus in a deliberate attempt by the Deep State and its Zionist underbelly to undermine the election of Donald  Trump, continue to profit from massive insider trading, and under cover of the corona virus, assassinate hundreds if not thousands of pesky anti-Zionists …